Watch the Water — Giant Snake on Google Earth (Quetzalcoatl Returns)

2 years ago

Dragon Energy:

Return of the Dragon

How will you know the Integration is at hand? Look around and pay attention, for your great feats and illustrious service have awakened the most evolved species to ever walk the face of the Earth - the legendary Dragons. The Dragons reveal themselves to you now for several reasons. For one, the conditions of Earth's vibration are now consistent with the resonant frequency of the Dragons. Secondly, the Dragons bring you information about your ancient origins, your wise ancestors, and the original substances of creation - Fire and Water. Finally, and most importantly, the Return of the Dragon heralds the beginning of the Integration. Look for the Dragon, for when you see it you will know the Integration has begun!

Dragons are Light Masters

When the Dragons appear, do not expect to see reptilian, fire-breathing monsters. Their origins are ancient, having emerged from primordial water and fire straight from the womb of existence. Although they are massive in size and have huge wingspans, their translucent skin and crystalline bodies allow them to move about unnoticed for they appear like wind on the surface of the water.

Despite their watery appearance, Dragons possess great mastery over light and fire. How can this be, you may wonder? For it appears that fire and water cannot mix. This "fact of life" is changing, dear friends, and you will soon see that water and fire can blend together harmoniously. However, such blending requires the direction of a great master. A master who understands and embodies both substances. Dragons are the true Light Masters for they can direct and amplify the flow of light energy to the farthest reaches of All That Is. Watch carefully, for the great Light Masters will emerge from the water. The significance of this event cannot be overstated. It represents the re-union of Fire and Water, two substances that have lived in virtual separation for billions of years on Planet Earth. You will see the Dragon and you will know that the days of isolation and illusion are over and a new day is at hand.

The Dragon Awakens.
The Dragon Emerges.
The Dragon Reveals.

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