Episode 17a: Unveiling the Ancient Secrets of the Passover

2 years ago

The Passover is the most pivotal Holy Appointment of Scripture. It represents a "moment in time", the time it takes to sacrifice the Passover. It is the very first Appointment of Scripture and sets the foundation for all subsequent Appointments. The Secrets that are bound up within the Passover have languished in darkness for as long as the testimony has existed. The particular mystery surrounding the Gospels is that the 4 Writers record 2 Passovers on the Day of the Crucifixion. There was the Last Supper which Jesus declared was a Passover. But then John wrote decades later that the Passover came coincident with Jesus' Death. Remarks that Jesus makes in his Last Supper, indicate the Passover is harboring Ancient Prophetic Secrets that need to be discovered by any curious observer. No Scholar, No Rabbi, No Pastor, No Commentator in human history has ever provided a complete explanation for the testimony of the Passover. But in this episode some of the most profound Secrets of Scripture are explained in living color and reveal that both Jews and Christians have yet to fully grasp the testimony of the Passover. For both Jews and Christians are greatly impacted by what these Secrets are concealing. This episode is for all curious Bible Students who want to know the Great Ancient Secrets of the Passover and what new Revelations they bare even in this late hour of the 21st Century.

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