Canada's Brian Peckford With Trial Lawyer Reiner Fuellmich Evidence For "Crimes Against Humanity

2 years ago

On January 27, 2022, it was revealed that Brian Peckford is the lead plaintiff for the Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms in a Canadian federal court case which is challenging the validity of the Canadian federal government’s ban on travel for people who are unvaccinated.

Brian Peckford is one of the original members who created Canada’s Charter of Freedom of Rights. He discusses his involvement with Freedom Convoy 2022 and his lawsuit against the Federal Gov’t for preventing unvaccinated persons to travel in and out of Canada.

Full Report : 94 Session:

Dr. Reiner Fuellmich and a group of international lawyers and a judge are conducting criminal investigation modelled after Grand Jury proceedings in order to present to the public all available evidence of COVID-19 Crimes Against Humanity to date against "leaders, organizers, instigators and accomplices" who aided, abetted or actively participated in the formulation and execution of a common plan for a pandemic.
This investigation is of the people, by the people and for the people, so YOU can be part of the jury.
Through showing a complete picture of what we are facing, including the geopolitical and historical backdrop - the proceeding is meant to create awareness about the factual collapse of the current, hijacked system and its institutions, and, as a consequence the necessity for the people themselves retaking their sovereignty.

Grand Jury:

Livestream-links and more:

Grand Jury Days 1 opening statement – Day 6 Closing Statements

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