Power line broke off its insulator

2 years ago

Saturday we had a gusty wind storm. I noticed the triplex that feeds our home was sagging lower than normal. Called NYSEG and they sent out a kid who said it was normal and what I was seeing was a tree branch. Unfortunately, I was at work and not at home when he came by to look at it. I called again today and customer service said they had a service report which said everything was as it should be. I took this video and ask if anyone else out there can see what is clearly wrong with these power lines. I’m not a certified full time electrician it I know enough to see this is not right. At no point ever should a aerobics or feeder line cross low voltage communication lines or touch them at all. Hopper they send out an experienced linesman to fix this before something terrible happens. How can they send someone to a job like this lacking any knowledge? A situation like this could potentially feed back 220 volts with extremely high potential into the low voltage communication lines and hurt or kill somebody. A fire could be started if 220 was feed back through those low voltage communication lines. A high truck could grab the low sagging triplex and rip it off of the house. This is the type of stuff that really aggravates me. Thank you for watching and I’d love to hear your feed back.

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