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The Covenants of God (1998) - #6 Davidic

2 years ago

EPISODE: #6 Davidic Covenant.
The Davidic Covenant established the perpetuity of the Davidic Kingdom and furthered God’s plan of redemption through the future Messiah. Zola Levitt interviews Uzi Landau, Israel’s Head of Foreign Affairs, about the threat Muslim fundamentalists pose to the security of Israel.

SERIES: "The Covenants of God".
The covenants made by God with men and nations throughout the Bible are guideposts for understanding scripture. This series illustrates, through the testimony of expert teachers and analysis of the actual verses, the great covenants of God. We now live under the last of them, the New Covenant, which will be totally fulfilled at the time of the return of our Lord. This eight program series was produced in 1997-1998, therefore some of the material and offers are dated.

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