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3 years ago

Did you know that the WEF were talking about digital IDs back in 2016, 4 years before the pandemic?! Nick Corbishley, author of 'Scanned: Why Vaccine Passports and Digital IDs Will Mean The End of Privacy and Personal Freedom' tells us more...

Nick's New Book: Scanned - https://www.chelseagreen.com/product/scanned/

To listen to the full #UnderTheSkin episode, subscribe to the Luminary Channel on Apple Podcasts at apple.co/russell or on the Luminary app http://luminary.link/russell

#VaccinePassports #Vaccine #DigitalIDs #Pandemic

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  • 0/2000
  • I've been calling it a plandemic since it started.

  • So damn obvious from the beginning . HOAX

  • Of course it was. Our only saving grace was that it was set off early, before they could have a covid that really works. 24 biolabs in the Ukraine... that's like 24 in Texas. It looks like the Great Reset is also about drastically reducing the world's population. Plandemic = planned fumigation. This is how geeks plan to rule the world.

  • Yes sir.. I believe the plandemic is meant to be the catalyst for the great reset.. Not just what we currently see as the plandemic, but what is to come.. the medical fallout from these boosters.. in listening to congressional testimony from medical experts we are going to end up with a wave of birth defects and deaths from this.. For example .. My neighbor was just diagnosed with 3 different types of cancer .. Is an older man so he is at the doctors all the time for blood work etc.. so how did 3 types of cancer just sneak up on doctors who are medically monitoring someone like every 60 days doing blood work?? Well according medical testimony the vaccines basically disable the cells in your body that fight cancer.. Neighbor was double vaxxed and within 9 months sprouts 3 different kinds of cancer like a flower blooming in spring , just BOOM..

  • I think the #WEF should be branded a terrorist organization by every country who has an interest in maintaining freedom & humanity. The ideas of the WEF, #Trudeau and the #GreatReset players like #Soros, #Gates, #FauciFraud, #Zuckerberg, #Schwab... they need to be stopped, called to task for the #CrimesAgainstHumanity they've likely committed. Thank you for your dialogue, as always, from #Canada.🇨🇦

  • I'm willing to bet this isn't going to be news to anyone watching this on Rumble, but I'm glad Russell is actually talking about this as the more people are awoken the better. Side note: When the sheep are awoken do not ridicule them or say haha I told you so, welcome them. Don't forget they've just realised everything they knew was a lie, they will need support.

  • I have a feeling Trump, being a billionaire, was told about all rhis stuff, and he did not want to be a part of this. I wonder if that is why he was determined to put a stop to it, and they are trying to destroy him, his family, close associates, and his supporters.

  • Guys.......Don't comply.

  • Wait, when was Moderna gene sequence that was found in COVID? Oh 2016? Interesting

  • No i.d. to vote but i.d. to buy food huh! Not suspicious

  • All the smart people knew this was a plandemic.

  • How telling is this,over one weekend 98% of the covid propaganda was dropped replaced with Russia's war on the Ukraine. Seems the Ukrainian crises is very important to who's funding our trusted media.

  • I was creeped out by the digital vaccine passports when I found out that they embedded tracking into the apps. The ability to conduct contact tracing was used as the excuse for this function. Our world has gotten way too Orwellian.

  • Thanks as always for sharing Russell, this info needs to get out and I appreciate you using your platform this way. Did you know the Christian Bible actually predicted this 2000 years ago? “Also it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark, that is, the name of the beast or the number of its name.” ‭‭Revelation‬ ‭13:16-17‬ This Digital ID will eventually be implanted I believe from these verses although I may be wrong about how they do it this is what the Bible says. It also talks about a ruler that everyone will like and put into power over a one world government. The building of a third Jewish temple after thousands of years, and a time where everyone can see something that is currently happening instantly all over the world. And many more predictions made that have come true already. Just something to research on your own.

  • the dollar is about to crah, and all the democrats want to talk about under the table is their intrests in Ukraine.. I mean I honestly feel sorry for the whole world at this point. huge famine coming, third world countries will NOT exist anymore, they will all die.. and we (big countries) will become third world.! wake up, get prepared... this is it! if you’re not preparing, don’t come later and say you wasn’t warned!