289 - DR. JOE BOOT | The Church, The State, & The Kingdom of God

2 years ago

In this episode, we welcome Dr. Joe Boot to the show. He is a Christian thinker, cultural apologist/philosopher, the founder of the Ezra Institute for Contemporary Christianity, and the founding pastor of Westminster Chapel, Toronto, where he currently resides. Joe is originally from Great Britain and has worked in the fields of Christian apologetics, worldview education, and church leadership for over twenty years on both sides of the Atlantic. He regularly addresses pastors and Christian leaders as well as academic, medical, legal, and political professionals and has publicly debated leading atheist thinkers and philosophers in Canada and the United States. He is the author of many books, including his new book that we’ll be spending a lot of time with during the interview, Ruler of Kings. In this interview, we discuss how Christians should view the government, a concept called “sphere sovereignty,” how the “cult of the expert” affects public policy, how he deals with the problem of evil/pain, and much more. Let’s get into it…

Episode notes and links: www.undaunted.life/podcast/drjoeboot

#UndauntedLife #JoeBoot #EzraInstitute

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