⚔️ Clash Of The Tyrants ⚔️ PT 3 "No More European Entanglements".. Putin vs The Great Reset (NWO)

3 years ago

#OneManOneOpinion #SimplifyingTheComplex #NoMoreEuropeanEntanglements #AmericaFirst

The Usual Suspect are at it again. Promoting War Propaganda, Half truths, incomplete stories and many falsehoods and error. Under the guise of Democracy, Human rights etc…etc…

Ukraine is to Russia what the Confederate States were to the Union back in 1862. Yet, President Lincoln was only too happy to sacrifice the lives of hundreds of thousands of Americans, to keep the Union together (ie. not lose any of Washington DC's power base). Ukraine has a long history of being a state in the Russian Federation (USSR). It's a family thing - let them settle it. Don't sacrifice the lives and limbs of America's finest military men and women, just to appease the New World Order.

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