The Biden Bus Fiasco with special guest JoeyLynn Mesaros

2 years ago

Joeylynn and her small family were proud to ride alongside the Biden tour bus rocking America gear and Trump gear as they escorted Biden's bus right out of Texas. They did this along with hundreds of other peaceful patriots.

They are now going to court for a defamation, slander and Federal lawsuit (under the KKK Law of 1871) that has come from Biden and Kamala's associates, claiming the family was violent and running the bus off the road.

God is using this difficult season in their life to shape their character and to equip them to fight back against tyrannical government and its overreach which is impacting average Americans and their Constitutional rights. They are fundraising with the help of fellow Americans to fight back (legal defense fees at the Federal level are expected to exceed $200,000).

Please join Joeylynn and her family as they fight back censorship, unparalled attacks and the complete tyrannical attack of Biden's team as they target conservatives at every level!

Social Media Tags: Instagram, TikTok, Telegram @FreeForFreedomsSake



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