The Unseen Power

2 years ago

The 2020 presidential election is in full swing and the noise of the Democrats is deafening as more than 22 contenders are running around like a pack of rabid dogs. The mainstream media never fails to report every new and outrageous promise, striving to one-up each other with what amounts to headline porn. Leading this race is “Sleepy Uncle” Joe Biden and “Crazy” Bernie Sanders. Either of these men can easily wreck the economy, open the border for millions of illegal aliens and stack the Supreme Court with liberal judges who will continue to systematically dismantle the constitution.

Over the years the powers-that-be have established two political parties in the United States. There are a number of small independent political parties like the Green Party, Libertarian Party, Reform Party of the United States, Peace and Freedom Party, American Delta Party, Prohibition Party, Modern Whig Party, Tax Revolt Party, Socialist Labor Party of America, Communist Party USA, the American Reform Party, Justice Party, American Solidarity Party, America’s Party and the U.S. Marijuana Party along with a small amount of fringe parties.

None of them stand a chance in the state and national elections because they get no coverage from the mainstream media, and when different media outlets organize a debate between the democratic and republican candidates, no other candidates are invited. The smaller political parties simply do not exist as far as the mainstream media is concerned and they struggle to recruit and raise money despite social media outlets like Twitter and Facebook. Thus, these smaller political parties tie down thousands of people seeking to convey their ideas and agendas but it is a waste of time as the system has been rigged for a hundred years. The Tea Party grew strong, but it was attacked by Obama through the Internal Revenue Service. The Federal Bureau of Investigation, Central Intelligence Agency and other provocateurs from the government infiltrated the Tea Party and caused great infighting in the different local state chapters.

The Trump administration and the Justice Department settled two lawsuits filed by conservative groups who had been abused by the IRS in October of 2017. The first lawsuit represented 428 groups and the second one was filed on behalf of 41 groups. The settlement included payments of $3.5 million, split among the groups, an apology from the government and an admission of wrongdoing by the IRS.

The people of the World Government are only too happy to have all these small political parties. They are a diverse bunch with strong convictions; some employ Christian morals, and others are staunch believers in the Constitution and the Second Amendment. What they all have in common is that they will spend their talents, time and money to fruitlessly further their ideas.

The Democratic and Republican parties have small memberships. The Democrats claimed to have 43.1 million members in 2012 but that is merely the number of Americans who have registered with them. Most of these people are only active during the election days. The real power resides in the small core that runs the political party in the local and national elections. It is these individuals which control the committees in the cities and counties and responsible for selecting who will run for different offices. A majority of these people belong to Masonic lodges, including the Knights of Columbus, Rotary Club, Odd Fellows, Moose Lodge and Elk Lodge.

Continued here:

From the Desk of John Torell
April 28, 2019

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