LBJ Orchestrated the JFK Assassination

2 years ago

For Christopher Fulton, the journey began with the death of Evelyn Lincoln, the secretary to President John F. Kennedy. Upon her death, she provided crucial evidence that directly linked Lyndon Johnson (LBJ) to the assassination of our President on November 22, 1963, which was much more than than just an assassination, It was a coup d'état over our country by a man who had nothing to lose, for he was already headed to prison as a result of a DOJ investigation by Bobby Kennedy that linked him to numerous crimes, including murder. All of that information was slated for public disclosure in December, 1963. Time magazine was set to run a story about the investigation in its Christmas issue. So, LBJ had nothing to lose by having JFK killed, and then later RFK too. As President, he could put a lid on everything, and that's exactly what he did.
LBJ was one of the most corrupt men who ever found his way into American political office, and our country is still reeling from the destructive effects of his illegitimate Presidency.
Both the FBI and the CIA were presented with this crucial evidence, as was the Attorney General's Office of Texas, but instead of seeking justice for our Nation, and restoring a legitimate, Constitutional government to the American People, rogue elements of the federal government engaged in a cover up of Johnson's involvement, and actively suppressed this evidence in the name of "national security." Consequently, during LBJ's time in the Oval Office, he signed one unconstitutional Law after another that, all of which were repugnant to the established political order established by our nation and its Constitution, and those laws changed our country forever.
In fact. every act LBJ made as President--every law he signed--every order he ever made--was just as illegitimate as his presidency, and those acts ought to be considered void, and stricken from the record forever. That is the only thing that will heal a nation that was robbed of its destiny.

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