Altered History

3 years ago

The Assassination of John F. Kennedy was not the random act of a lone malcontent, devoid of meaning. It was a coup détat by orchestrated by then Vice-President, Lyndon Baines Johnson, and carried out by CIA agents from behind the picket fence of Dealy Plaza, and by his own personal hitman, Malcolm Wallace, who took his shot from the Texas School Book Depository window--the shot that struck Kennedy's neck from behind.
The fatal shot was made from the Grassy Knoll by unknown CIA actors. After all, Wallace was an Expert Marksman, while Oswald was incapable of making such a difficult shot. Especially with such a rifle as the Carcano. Oswald, was simply a Patsy, just like he claimed to be, and also someone who was working as a Double Agent for the CIA and the FBI. He, like Timothy McVeigh (the OKC bombing patsy), probably thought he was serving his country when it all went down.
Oswald and his wife actually lived in the home one of Allen Dulles' mistresses before the assassination. Allen Dulles was the former Director of The CIA who had just been fired by Kennedy after he launched the unauthorized Bay of Pigs invasion. He was also was a leading member of the Warren Commission investigation. This is just one of the many peices of evidence that connects Oswald to the CIA. Proof of Malcolm Wallace's involvement is the fact that his fingerprints were found in the Sniper's Nest along with Oswald's. However, that evidence, like many other pieces evidence connecting LBJ and the CIA, many of which you will learn about in this video, was intentionally hidden from the American public, and still being kept secret to this day.

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