College Campuses Are Turning Into Surveillance States | Ep. 43

2 years ago

On this week’s episode of the Campus Countdown, Campus Reform reporter Ophelie Jacobson explains that American universities are becoming surveillance states thanks to new tools that were given to students during the pandemic so that they could snitch on their peers.

“Universities should not be giving students the ability to snitch on each other – and certainly shouldn’t be encouraging it” because there is “already a sense of uneasiness on campus,” Jacobson says.

Jacobson then compares these policies to the tactics used in the novel 1984.

“University administrations are turning into Big Brother - seeking to control and know everything about a student's life, including personal medical information and speech. What was once considered a fictional book is now coming to life right in front of our very eyes,” Jacobson states.

Watch the full episode above.

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