Pro-Life Memorial DESTROYED at Pepperdine University

2 years ago

A pro-life display set up by the Pepperdine University College Republicans was destroyed by pro-choice students who covered the bulletin board display with posters reading "No Uterus, No Opinion," "My Body, My Choice," and other messages.

On Tuesday, September 28, Pepperdine College Republicans placed 620 crosses, one for every 100,000 of 62 million lives takeen to abortion since Roe v Wade was enacted, according to Fox News.

The crosses were placed on the christian university’s Freedom Wall which is designed to be a designated bulletin board for students to practice their free speech rights.

The protestors also modified the College Republicans poster which originally read "Lives Taken by Abortion since Roe V Wade" = "62 million" to read "62 million women saved by abortion since Roe V Wade."

"God does NOT support the legislation of women's bodies," "don't speak if you don't have a uterus," and "why not get a vasectomy" were among the other posters placed over the pro-life display.

Read the story here:

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