Conservative Campaign Boot Camp - Session 1

2 years ago

Campaign (Doctor) and author Chuck Muth hosts a full day of detailed and the nuanced components how to run a strong campaign. This mornings session laid the groundwork and covered 15 essential points.

Introduction: Kimberly Fiorello @00:31
- Chuck Muth - Intro / Preface / Orientation @5:02
1 - Thinking they're running a political campaign @22:04 -
2 - Managing their own campaign @23:09
3 - Failing to have a written plan @24:19
4 - Arriving like everyone else @25:53
5 - Hiding skeletons in the closet @29:02
5a - Having A Response Ready @30:56
6 - Speaking in mush mouth with forked tongue @38:57
7 - Failing to explain "How We Win" @42:20
8 - Not securing and motivating your base @44:27
9 - It's not negative to talk about your opponent @49:24
10 - Thinking the party should fund and provide volunteers @52:54
11 - Substituting door knocking for fund raising @54:52
12 - Saying... "We can't afford to do that" @1:15:58
13 - Whining about liberal media bias @1:17:30
14 - Mistaking preference in polls @1:19:21
15 - Being too defensive on minor criticism and or ignoring major attacks @1:21:20

Break For Lunch

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