Ant Keepers - Destroying The Planet

2 years ago

Hello guys, i want to know your ethics?

Are you being a selfish ant keeper?

Basically our ethics at AntslifeUK is to only use ants from your own country. It is not illegal to own ants from other countries BUT it does harm the environment, especially when these ants are taken from an environment that needs them.

Exotic queens are taken directly from their native habitats. The stress of been captured and transported then causes many of these ants to die before they reach the UK. But whats a few dead queens to an ant seller right?

The more that ant keeping grows then the more people will collect ants to sell and therefore remove them from the environment that depends on them.

The Federation of Veterinarians of Europe (FVE) believes that some exotic species are completely unsuitable to be kept by the general public. At a meeting in October 2013 FVE agreed to support the principle of drafting ‘suitability lists’, which specify the species that can or cannot be kept by private individuals.

People are getting rich from a dangerous act.

Yes i want exotic ants myself but i will not because the love i have for the planet and its environment is too grand.

Hopfully the rules will change soon and importation and sale will stop. but for now i can just hope.

Do you agree? Or do you not? what are your ethics on this subject? If i started a campaign to #StopTheSaleSaveThePlanet, would you get involved?

Support this campaign now and what you believe in by using the hashtag #StopTheSaleSaveThePlanet

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