MZTV 916: Are We Supposed to Throw Away Paul's Early Letters?

2 years ago

The body of Christ, in Paul's day, went from immaturity to maturity. (Don't we all?) So there is no need to discard Paul's early letters as though they don't belong to us—as the Acts 28 crowd does.

This goofy concept (the "Acts 28 position") states that Paul's ministry did not begin until late in his life when, as a prisoner in Rome, he yet again dissed the Jerusalem Jews who had come to hassle him (Acts 28:28). There was nothing new about this, it was simply the final instance of it. The way for the nations had long ago been opened when the veil of the temple was rent from top to bottom at the death of our Lord. Could any statement be more obvious? God no longer dwelled in the temple, and Israel had lost her exclusive access to Him. Now it was only a matter of time before a new gospel, via Paul, came to the nations apart from Jewish mediation.


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