81 03 15 1061w SNT TO The Burning Of The Ballast Mar 15 1981 Dr. Wierwille bible lesson english

2 years ago

Scripture Index: Acts 19:18-20; Colossians 1:27; Ephesians 2:15, 6; 1:20-23, 3, 4, 9, 11, 18; 2 Corinthians 5:17-20; 2 Corinthians 3:6; Ephesians 4:1-3; 2:10, 15, 16; 3:6; 2:18, 22; 4:14-22, 4-6; 5:2, 8, 15, 16; 6:10, 11, 13
thank you very much you're wonderful bless your heart take your bibles tonight and go to acts 19 please

isn't it wonderful to have daddy's arms to climb back into when we burn all that ballast in our life so tonight i want to teach on the burning of the ballast it says the first time i can recall that i gave out all of my sermon notes before we ever started i figured this give you all an opportunity to review it and know everything about it before i got to it but i'm blessed to do this for you tonight on uncle harry sunday because i think you can take this with you and you can work it in your own heart and life this week and it'll be a real blessing to you

you know this uncle harry sunday is kept every year in memory of his birthday which was march the 19th 1907 when he was born and not his death which was october the 12th 1977

says the word practices or acts acts they disclosed the practices the acts that they did they believed when they were believers they came and they talked about this verse 19

many of them also which used practice curious arts curious arts black arts white arts spiritualism all those hooky poop deals all those saint christopher's medallions all the rest of that stuff curious arts those that have been practicing that they not only brought their things but they brought the books that taught them how to elevate a table

or how to have people floating around in a room or things floating around they brought all that and they burned them in the presence of all the believers they brought it they burned it and they counted the price of them and when they power counted the price of what those people had paid and spent for that stuff which did nothing but harm to them they got born again they cleaned house so to speak they brought it and when they counted it it amounted to 50 000 pieces of silver that's quite a burning ceremony we only had about 700 out here this afternoon but that doesn't surprise me because a lot of you live in this particular area and you've been burning this stuff before you ever got here today

then comes that great 20th verse that's the only way it happens people it was after they cleaned house then mightily grew the word of what after that is when the word of god began to grow up mightily and the reason it grew mightily is because it grew in the individuals it doesn't grow in an individual until you clean house baby once you clean that crap out of your house then things can begin to move that's when the word so mightily grew the word of god so mightily what that's what the word says that's what it means if you don't like it tell the author he should have written it to your satisfaction this is what the word says sir and that's what it means when they brought their curious art their spiritualism their hooky pookism and all the rest of the junk that they had accumulated and they burned it got rid of it out of their homes out of where they lived

that's when the word of god the word of god began to grow and once it started growing honey it got to the place where it did what prevailed that's like water sir going over the dam it began to grow mightily and build itself up and then it got to that stage just like water being built up in front of a dam it got there until finally it just rolled over the top that's the prevailing that's right so not only do you clean out your environment where you live even greater than that is to clean out the attic of your mind clean your mind start thinking good thoughts right thoughts positive thoughts deliverance thoughts start thinking that which blesses you and blesses people if you're gonna travel fast and far kids you gotta travel how life you can't afford to carry handicap weight you've got to get rid of the ballast in your soul and be giving begin living a life which is more than abundant by being more than a conqueror god never made a failure

jesus christ people came for israel but israel did not repent israel never accepted their messiah israel did not get their kingdom restored israel did not get the restitution of all things israel killed their messiah their prophet their priest and their king and that was the end of the kingdom you could only have a king done when you've got a king

israel killed their king and that puts that kingdom in abeyance jesus christ was the passover lamb

israel killed him they crucified him but god raised him from the dead people 40 days after the resurrection god ascended him and the ... CONTINUED

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