GHOST OF KIEV : Ukrainians military pilot 'Ghost of Kiev' after dogfight recordings

2 years ago

A video shared on Twitter accumulated multiple million perspectives

Ukrainians named a unidentified military pilot the "Ghost of Kiev" after reports that he had shot down somewhere around six Russian warrior jets.

A yet-to-be-affirmed video circling via online media shows the Ukrainian MiG-29 pilot hovering above Kiev on February 23, the day Russian President Vladimir Putin officially attacked Ukraine.

Assuming that the reports are affirmed, the pilot would likewise acquire the title of "fighter ace", a term offered to military pilots who have effectively chance down at least five hostile airplane during airborne battle.

One video, purportedly of the military pilot, collected multiple million perspectives on Twitter on Friday.

"Reports are coming that a Ukrainian pilot has destroyed six Russian Aircraft today, and could have turned into the primary 21st century contender expert. The pilot, known as 'the Ghost of Kyiv', and his MiG-29 were found in various recordings from today," composed Twitter client Visegrad 24, who has around 93,000 supporters.

The attack of Ukraine is turning out to be Europe's first major equipped clash in the web-based media age, when the little screen of the cell phone is the prevailing instrument of correspondence, conveying with it the hazard of the prompt spread of perilous, even destructive, disinformation, AP announced.

There is allegedly a Ukrainian military pilot who has taken out 6 Russian planes in aerial battle. He is being known as the "Ghost of Kiev"

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