Polydactyl cat playing with mouse on fishing line

3 years ago

Polydactyl cat playing with a mouse on fishing line. My roommates cat, she's a fiesty little girl. I just recently realized that this cat was the kind of cat it is. It looks like she has seven toes in the front and six in the back. But I'm not positive because she's funny. She's very touchy you can only touch her in certain areas and only when she wants you to touch her. She actually just let me start being really good friends with her and rubbing on her and stuff but she's still very funny about trying to touch her feet any. Not like they're hurting, like she's never had anybody interested in touching her feet before so she don't know what it's like is what I think it is. She is a little darling now, I'll be laying in my bedroom and she'll come in two or three times a day and two or three times in the evening like I'm "Her" people and gives me some nice meows and gets a little bit of loving from me and then leaves. The real funny thing and I sure hope I can catch it one day is that she knows how to say hello, yes this cat can meow hello so good you would not believe it. For the life of me though I cannot get her on video saying hello I just can't get the job done she's too fast. I've got a bunch of videos of her so I'll keep posting them and see one day if I can get close to her enough to look at her feet. My roommate who actually owns "Piper" only knew she had an extra toe or two, they didn't know what kind of cat she was.

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