War in Ukraine, Russian incursion into Ukraine could turn out to be a pivot point in history

2 years ago

Tony Blinken has said publicly on face the nation saying that he is going to send fighter war jets to Ukraine. What are we watching exactly? We are watching the beginning of the war between America and Russia. The Biden administration just inserted itself within a hot war between Russia and Ukraine. Nothing has been authorized by congress but none of that is relevant. Almost 5 years, Eric Swalwell said something very telling. He said because Putin installed Donald Trump, we should do everything to expand NATO into Ukraine. Its simple, getting Ukraine to join NATO was the key to inciting Russia into war. This is the main reason why Russia is invading. Russia does not want American missiles on their front door. No one who knows anything or is honest about making the claim that Putin is evil. It doesn’t matter whether you agree with Putin or not. Remember, when Russian troops were massing in the thousands at the border of Ukraine, Kamala encouraged Ukraine to join NATO which was basically a signal for Russia to go ahead and invade Ukraine. How did we miss this when it happened in front of us. Why would the United States intentionally start a war with Russia? The permanent political class is fixated on Russia. Remember they impeached Trump over threatening to withhold aid to Ukraine. As far back as 2016, Lindsey Graham was acting out his war fantasies in Ukraine. Listen to what he says to Ukrainian soldiers, “your fight is our fight, 2017 is the year is going to be the year offense. All of us are going back to make Russia pay a heavier price”. On what grounds is Ukraine’s fight our fight. Well now Its here and most Americans did not see it coming. Our elites knew that as soon as Russia forces crossed the border of Ukraine that we would be at war with Russia. Just look at how bellicose our military leaders are on national television, “the best way to unwind this conflict is dead Russian soldiers”. Washington wanted a war and now they have one with Russia. So where are we going now? Well it is very worrying because the people that areleading our country don’t have a very good track record. So here is the black pill truth, A paper in the federalist estimated that over a billion people could die if we entered a war with Russia and that is what we risk now.
This is relentless, the violence is brutal and our administration is making it crystal clear that they want regime change in Russia. The drumbeat is on for a no fly zone and conservative media is fanning the flames of this war. You have to keep things in your mental map. Don’t get me wrong that the Russians are killing people and shelling people indiscriminately and the globalists have given the Ukraine resistance false hope that we would be getting involved. This is the most clarity that we have had since the beginning. We are on thermal nuclear economic offensive against Russia in trying to take down the Ruble and their central assets and we’ve weaponized the dollar. And yet Biden still has not come out and made their case in exactly what they are doing, what our treaty alliance commitments are, and more women and children are going to die. Our elites have a made a decision to be in economic war with Russia but have you made the case to the American people? That is like sending an army into northwestern Ukraine. To take down a country’s central bank and impoverish their people and you have to come to at least congress. The strike against the central bank of Russia is not something that should be taken lightly. We have taken Russia off of swift which is basically a declaration of war against the Russia national sovereignty. All Russian assets will plunge, you can’t take money out of Russia anymore so this is a real regime shift. We did this in the middle of a shooting war which basically is us taking the side of the Ukrainians in this conflict. What is making it more dangerous is that the west keeps prompting Ukraine to resist the Russia invasion which will make the outcome uncertain.
Vladimir Putin has made Russia’s stance clear, and the United States is using Ukraine as a NATO proxy and now we are where we are. Go back to March or May when Zelensky sent troops to the border of Russia. Zelensky is going along with the western media. The question is will the sanctions hurt the Russian economy. No doubt it will make it hard for the rest of the world since Russia is a very large exporter of grain and they also are exporting a ton of oil to the west. The united states narrative is talking about democracy, but why did the United States overthrow the democratically elected government of Ukraine and install a pro-western government? What about the shelling of civilians in the Donebask regions by Ukraine forces. What about the Minsk accords which could have prevented this Russian incursion? There is a dominant narrative that the world is united but Israel has not backed the US resolution, Poland Bulgaria and Slovakia refuses to send fighter planes to Ukraine. There is not a great wave of support that the United States is making it out to be. Is Russia trying to take over Ukraine or are they trying to demilitarize Ukraine?

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