Silent weapons for Quiet wars! Young athletes dying everywhere

2 years ago

Too many youngsters dying, the media is still lying, while family at home crying. This is all the evidence you need to send to family and loved ones that are still even contemplating getting anymore boosters. It's Russian roulette! If you've been feeling unwell since having one.
Please check your heart and blood for clots.
Silent weapons for Quiet wars is real here is the evidence.

So many dying we need to all stand up and stop this madness. Still injecting people in the doctors and hospitals even in pharmacies.
Over a flu that never killed anyone young. Only kills the elderly due to the yearly flu shots they have been getting for years. Weakening them bit by bit, ask any elderly that hasn't had one at 100 like my nan!
When the doctor asked her at 98 how she managed to live that long, she explained she stayed away from them!

She wasn't lying! Anyone that goes into a hospital comes out on a prescription! It's a business and you are their customers. They wanted to cash in big this time by stopping all from being entitled to their Corona!
Corona means Crown.. Crown is what we all had the Queen wore it to take care of our affairs and rob us blind.
Their 99 year lease is up now. And we would have to sign up with her again. Or we get back our Corona/crown and funds owed after using our money for all this time.
The ones that said ive got Corona pls take this Corona away and had a vaccine. Signed for the crown to take your share of the Corona/ Crown funds owed. By having the injection is their way of removing your corona! ..
We was the always the Virus!
Check how many footballers are dying. If healthy athletes are dropping at an alarming rates. God help the rest of the people with any healthcare issues.
Please share and expose this pure evil truth. And evidence of all our concerns.

It was never about being right, or I told you so's, it was always about preventing this evil outcome.

I pray for all the vaccinated daily.
Janine X

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