FAUCI SUMMARY VIDEO 25 = Chapter 9, Part B - Dr. Robert Redfield: The White Man’s Burden

2 years ago

Pages 278-322

Remember watching Dr. Robert Redfield and Dr. Deborah Birx during the press conferences? I sure do!

Did you know that both of these people are former Army medical officers who led the military’s AIDS research in the 1980’s and 1990’s? If you’re not up to speed on why this is a harbinger for corruption, please check out my videos on Chapters 3 through 8 (backed up on Rumble).

In 1992 Redfield was accused of data manipulation and inappropriate statistical analyses in order to promote the GP160 AIDS vaccine. This potentially misleading or deceptive info could have threatened not only his credibility, but ongoing funding for AIDS research.

Redfield finally confessed to Department of Defense (DOD) interrogators that his system was faulty and deceptive - he agreed to correct them publicly and to admit that the vaccine was worthless at an upcoming conference.

BOOK, Page 281: “Instead of retracting his falsehood, he boldly repeated his fraudulent claims at this and two subsequent international HIV conferences.”

Congress was bamboozled by Redfield and appropriated $20 million to the military to support the research of Redfield and Birx. When faced with the decision to continue to investigate Redfield, the Army killed the investigation because of the promised budget hikes. Because more money was flowing into the coffers, the Army overlooked the perjury and the lies.

BOOK, Page 281, “This bold flimflam catapulted Birx and Redfield into their stellar careers as federal health officials.”

The people who we trusted to make health decisions for us based their entire careers off of complete lies, faulted and misleading research, and worthless “vaccines” that did no good and possibly caused harm.

What have we done?

Fauci, Redfield, and Birx never treated a COVID patient. BOOK, Page 282: But this is the trio that “…adopted controversial strategies to confine the nation under house arrest, shut down the global economy, deny the public access to early treatment and lifesaving therapeutics like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin, excite persistent public terror through the broadcasts of deliberately exaggerated death and case counts, and repeated tell the world the only path back to normal is a miraculous vaccine”.

In conclusion? You cannot trust anything that comes out of these peoples’ mouths, and you are now completely responsible for your health, don’t believe anything your government officials tell you about this pandemic.

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