Ukraine has "biological research facilities," says Undersecretary of State Victoria Nuland

2 years ago

When asked by Sen Rubio if Ukraine has biological or chemical weapons, and says she's worried Russia may get them. But she says she's 100% sure if there's a biological attack, it's Russia. #BioLabs #Ukraine #WMDs

>Victoria Nuland was born in 1961 to Sherwin B. Nuland, a surgeon of Ukrainian Jewish origin,[8] and Rhona McKhann
>Nuland was the lead U.S. point person for the Revolution of Dignity, establishing loan guarantees to Ukraine, including a $1 billion loan guarantee in 2014, and the provisions of non-lethal assistance to the Ukrainian military and border guard.
>what was this "Revolution" and why was it supported with U.S. money?
>i was told Ukraine was a democracy?

This same swamptank worked under Obama and there was one phone call around 2014 that was leaked where she said "F**k the EU"

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