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These Bills are Insane!!!

2 years ago

You won't want to miss this insanity! On today's program, special guest hosts Matthew Hallick, and Pastor Andrew DeBartolo take a look a some of the current legislation before the 1st Session of the 44th Parliament. 

Episode Resources: 

All Bills before parliament can be found here: https://www.parl.ca/legisinfo/;

Private Member's Bill C-226 (44-1): https://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/44-1/bill/C-226/first-reading;

Bill C-227 | An Act to Amend the Canadian Elections Act (voting age): https://www.parl.ca/legisinfo/en/bill/44-1/c-227;

Bill S-220 | An Act to amend the Language Skills Act (Governor General): https://www.parl.ca/legisinfo/en/bill/44-1/s-220;

Private Member's Bill C-223 (44-1): https://www.parl.ca/DocumentViewer/en/44-1/bill/C-223/first-reading; and S- 233: https://www.parl.ca/legisinfo/en/bill/44-1/s-233.

Get Active: Contact your MPs regarding this legislation via ARPA's easy Mail: https://easymail.arpacanada.ca/

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  • 0/2000
  • Yes our Nazis are definitely not waisting a moment while the sheeple are sidetracked . These Nazis need to be dealt with .

  • Contact your senator and tell them to vote against these bills. they need to be reminded that they work for the people of Canada not for the Liberal Government, we do not want a 16 yr old to vote, we do not want the have a UBI, we want to get back to work back to our lives. Don't let Trudeau get away again with his tyranny, he has destroyed our country. We do not comply. This is not a communist country and we will not let them turn our great country into China. He stole 2 plus yrs of our lives, wasn't that enough. Just say no we do not COMPLY

  • why is Pierre Poilievre have Andrew Sheer at his side? Sheer is WEF!! Its on there webs site but its in french making it harder to find!! looks like PPC for the win

  • It's funny that they say it's racist for certain folks, yet the government is the one that started the marginalizing of them! Sending them out to the out limits - inhabitable environment. Each immigrant has to work at a job that put's their life in danger because the government doesn't allow them to work in the field they are trained in from their own country. What a joke.

  • It is appalling that with about 60% of the eligible voters voting in the last election, about 30% voted for Numb Nuts, who, in concert with the two Socialist parties have turned Canada into a Marxist state.....without a shot being fired......and barely a whimper.....

  • Too much insanity everywhere in the world, where can I get off 😢

  • Is it true that in bill s-223 it is said that if your are unvaxed you would not get cpp oap etc?

  • Just read the Preamble to Bill C-226. Did I miss something. It does not read as recited here. BILL C-226 An Act respecting the development of a national strategy to assess, prevent and address environmental racism and to advance environmental justice Preamble Whereas the Government of Canada recognizes the need to advance environmental justice across Canada and the importance of continuing to work towards eliminating racism and racial discrimination in all their forms and manifestations; Whereas a disproportionate number of people who live in environmentally hazardous areas are members of an Indigenous, racialized or other marginalized community; Whereas the establishing of environmentally hazardous sites, including landfills and polluting industries, in areas inhabited primarily by members of those communities could be considered a form of racial discrimination; Whereas the Government of Canada recognizes that it is important to meaningfully involve all Canadians — and, in particular, marginalized communities — in the development of environmental policy and that racial discrimination in the development of environmental policy would constitute environmental racism; Whereas the Government of Canada is committed to assessing and preventing environmental racism and to providing affected communities with the opportunity to participate in, among other things, finding solutions to address harm caused by environmental racism; And whereas the Government of Canada recognizes that collaboration and a coordinated national strategy are key to promoting effective change and achieving environmental justice; Now, therefore, Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Senate and House of Commons of Canada, enacts as follows:

  • wonderful work you do but PLEASE shorten your videos

  • and digi ids as well https://rumble.com/vwrd5t-saskatchewan-government-hammers-rebel-news-with-a-12k-bill-for-photocopying.html?mref=6zof&mc=dgip3&utm_source=newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Rebel+News&ep=2

    1 like
  • Contingent upon compliance with medical tyranny and subject to global digital ID

    1 like
  • Got a Peckford interview?!???

    1 like
  • The liberals are the looters and polluters of are heath.

    1 like
  • UBI to be determined in part by "national standards for health." Such as "vaccine" compliance, for example, and other "health" requirements as decreed by the state and/or the criminal body known as the World Health Organization. Ready to embrace transhumanism?

    1 like
  • Awesome ... Thankyou ... Lorna

    1 like