Blindspot #030 - Phase 3 of World War III: Cold War 2.0, or, Hot War Final.0?

2 years ago

Blindspot #030 - Phase 3 of WWIII: Cold War 2.0 (or) Hot War Final.0/Zero?

Buiteboer // Dr Petrus de Kock
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Blindspot aims to see the world others don’t, or, at least some of the dots others do not happen to connect. In the Blindspot version of relatively recent human history, an ‘event’ often touted as frightening prospect of things to come, is already with us, and has been so for quite some time, namely, World War 3.

In the first instance it is necessary to understand that the global entertainment- and news-industries have weaponised this term, WWIII, over time. Either the trope WWIII is used as anchor for some edge-of-your seat war- or spy-drama, pitting forces against each other that may tip the planet into some biblically inspired form of Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD). Or, it is deployed as some Psy-op level collective fear mongering tool by states and leaders to subjugate subjects to the will and whims of elite wars fought with the blood of Joe Bloke and Jane Soap.

Hence, as Blindspot we do not take the term WWIII lightly. In fact, we take it so seriously that in the Blindspot universe, we are already in Phase three of said war. In the next few minutes we will share why we propose such a preposterous idea, and also show the critical role Russia had already played in this game of grand masters since it set boots on the ground in Syria, on invitation of the government in Damascus, some years ago.

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