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March 6 2022: Godly Sorrow

2 years ago

Godly Sorrow
Pastor Gary Denbow

2 Corinthians 7:5-16

1. A third letter to Corinth.
• It seems likely that Paul wrote a letter to the church in Corinth between 1st & 2nd Corinthians. (2 Corinthians 13:1)
• This letter was likely a harsh rebuke due to the church’s slow movement in addressing issues.
2. The need for Godly rebuke.
• Exodus 18: Jethro visits Moses
• When what we are doing for the Kingdom of God is not done efficiently, allow God and leaders He has appointed to speak directly to us.

3. Godly sorrow
• Brings repentance; change of direction, change of mind, change in emotion.
• Leaves no regret. Worldly sorrow brings death.
• Produces earnestness, eagerness to rid ourselves of evil, indignation over evil done, and a longing for justice.
4. A key reason for Godly sorrow.
• A key reason to receive rebuke in the right way is to keep unity in the body of Christ.
• God counts unity a major asset in His church.
5. Three takeaways:
• Receive the messenger who come with correction.
• Embrace the messenger even if it is difficult to hear.
• Have confidence that God is working through it all for good.


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