"Mutually Assured Destruction" (MAD, Mad World!) Ukraine-Russo War | Destroyer of Worlds #1

2 years ago

This is an analysis of the concept of "Mutually Assured Destruction" (MAD), which was a Cold War-Era military doctrine that the exchange of nuclear weapons by two established "superpowers" would immediately trigger an all-out retaliation by the... 'receiving' partner in this exchange.

It's the only rational thing to do... to retaliate and return everything and more in the way of thermonuclear weapons.

Now, the United States military deploys missile defense systems in North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) countries, and Russia has pursued all the same ends in nuclear tactics and equipment. But the West is war-weary and wary of this conflict--we should NOT want this end to humanity--although we have old, decrepit, shallow Trojan horses in power here in the United States with a vast military-industrial complex that defies all command from the people.

Since we don't have a say in this war actually taking place--our military is completely out of civilian purview--I just want to educate people on this generational, really species-level threat. "Kiss your a** goodbye, right?"

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