The Beard Speaks Podcast

2 years ago

Episode 2 God & Country an Interview with Country Artist Billy Gray

This episode of The Beard Speaks Podcast Pat and guest Billy Gray talk Music, Religion, and fatherhood. Check out Billy Gray on facebook

Disclaimer ~Political views expressed by the hosts do not reflect other parties and guests of the podcast. Visit us on Facebook @thebeardspeakspodcast

The Beard Speaks Podcast is an opinion show about music, religion and more. Disclaimers: This podcast is protected under “Fair Use” and “Freedom of Speech”. It is not meant to bully, harass, give medical advice of any kind, and is for entertainment purposes only. Please always use your own discernment when listening to this podcast

Songwriters: Mick Jagger / Keith Richards

Sympathy For The Devil lyrics © Mirage Music Int. Ltd. C/o Essex Music Int. L, Mirage Music Ltd.

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