Fake News Exposed, Creatures in Dumbs, Freedom Convoy, Demons and Breaking News March 8th 2022

2 years ago

Fake News Exposed, Creatures in Dumbs, Freedom Convoy, Demons and Breaking News March 8th 2022! Donate $5 To Our Cause For, "The Vision News." Freedom of Speech!
Look at what is happening with Biden and He is playing both sides of the war in Ukraine. Also Biden and the Democrats in white house now are all in with China, Ukraine and New World Order. Mike Lindell has proof that the election was stolen every state cheated with the machines they have all proof. Go To Frank Speech or www.fix2020first.com. They are taking away all our Constitutional rights using this COVID 19. I have sent the Fauci Dossier to our County Attorney's Office for Crimes against Humanity that Dr. David Martin prepared. Every county of every state has been filing this Dossier. Proof here https://www.constitutionallawgroup.us/index.php You can go there to read the Dossier for yourself and learn more. I took a oath to uphold the Constitution of USA. It is true, CDC, FDA, Fauci and others have committed Crimes Against Humanity with this experimental Vaccine, Masks, Lock downs and Other crazy things will be coming out. We must prepare just in-case. Go to www.nationallibertyalliance.org and learn the truth. I have proof. I need help organizing this for our communities so in case there is bus loads of young males, gangs from the open boarders and some have been dropped off here in Florida and other states in America. In the middle of morning they dropped off a bus of Afghan Men ages ranged from 20's to 40's all men in Florida this could be enemy 's trying to take over America. Please we must all be aware of what is truly going on. Main Stream Media is not telling all the truth they are owned by China. Do your research please. Forming the committee of Safety's in our counties mean we can all be aware and watch out for our neighbors and friends and be safe just in-case so we can protect our family's be prepared for anything. We will also be working with our Sheriffs departments. United We Stand! If you want to join me in forming the COS email me sherri@sherrilynn.com or if you want more information go to https://sherrilynn.com.
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God Bless Everyone,
Sherri Lynn

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