The Importance of Warmingup, Not Scienced Based / Experience Based

2 years ago

Over 27 years of lifting I have intuitively always performed a warmup set before every exercise that I have performed to practice the movement form that exercise, and I believe that it has helped me from incuring any major injuries.

Granted, I have had some scares and some bumps and buriese throughout my life, but nothing that has ever required major surgery.

Now this method may differ from modern day science and strength based workouts but coming from and athletic background, I am used to spending 30 minutes to an hour warming up before baseball and football practice before getting to the meat of the practice.

I am ot trying to preach that this is the end all to be all of warmups this is just something that I have done before every exercise to practice that exercise bofore I perform that exercise with any intensity.

I know that these videos can be a pain to watch and I hope to get better at recording the content that I am trying to convey, but like everything else creating better videos will require practice and repition. “It may seem difficult at first, but all things are difficult at first.”

― Miyamoto Musashi, The Book of Five Rings

Remember I am not a doctor, nor do I claim to be a doctor, and you should discuss any diet and your health problems with your doctor before you begin any diet regimen.

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Shout out to my father BAMMOR (check out his song "Quit Your Grinnin Drop Your Linen), my Brother, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Mike O'Hearn, Natural Gallant Bodybuilding, Jay Cutler, Ryan Humiston, Golden Era Bookworm, Daryl Conant, Vice Gironda, Reg Park, Larry Scott, Steve Reeves, Flavcity, so on and so forth for all the great content and encouragement. Go check out their channels for great youtube content.

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