Nationalism is the only answer to Globalism: Rev Kev explains the contrast between these two ideologies

3 years ago

Nationalism is growing because people realize it is the natural antidote to Globalism, which is also called Liberalism and International Corporatism. Both establishment political parties in the United States are inhabited by Globalists.

Globalism is a powerful, evil force that subjugates all ethnicities and nationalities in the name of cultural and economic hegemony. It fosters denial and delusion. It promotes consumerism and immorality. It is dangerous.

Globalists have been completely wrong about Covid 19 and they are wrong about the Russia-Ukraine conflict. Nationalists are correct.

Please watch this video to gain a better understanding of this fundamental ideological divide. Consider joining us in the Nationalist Movement.

Rev Kev has no formal connection on a leadership level with The People's Convoy. He speaks for himself.

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