Song for the truckers

3 years ago

I have friends and family that cannot travel or have become second class citizens in “free” countries because of what they chose to (or in this case chose NOT to) put in their bodies.

Throughout this pandemic I’ve been holding on but of course getting extremely frustrated angry and at times depressed at the nonsense going on in the world. I think what some of our governments have done is not only anti human but is reprehensible, disgusting, sad, depressing and wrong.

When I saw the Trucker protests start up in Canada it brought me to tears, for the first time in a while I felt hopeful that through PEACEFUL protests filled with love, inclusion and mutual understanding, can make a difference and wake up people who have been apathetic and in a way brainwashed by the same media that the #trudeau govt paid about $600,000,000 to.

I have three versus so far for the song

I just want to thank you
For standing for what’s right
They will try to break you
But you have drawn your line

Together we’re for freedom
with backgrounds so diverse
And that’s what makes us stronger
They fear what we can do

We’ll kill them with our kindness
We’ll open up our hearts
Won’t compromise what’s right.

#peace #convoy #peacefulconvoy #peacefulprotest #freedomconvoy2022 #freedom #choice #mybodymychoice #truckers #beach #singersongwriter #newsong

@freedomconvoy2022 @justinpjtrudeau

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