God Leads Us

3 years ago

We must be lead by the spirit of God, the Holy spirit in order to live a victorious life in the word of God. The times that we a living in are requiring us more than ever to follow the spirit of God and to be in His presence more and more each day! Marriages restored in faith is here to pray and to agree according to the word of God for your walk with God.

Isaiah 48:17
Psalm 32:8-9
Psalm 112:1-10
John 16:13-15
John 16:23-24

Marriages Restored In Faith
Midland TX 79708

Email = mrifaith@yahoo.com
Website = Marriagesinfaith.com
Face Book = Marriages Restored In Faith
Buzz Sprout = Marriages Restored In Faith
Rumble.com= Marriagesrestoredinfaith

Ways To give
Pay Pal = Marriages Restored In Faith
Text to give ( mrifaith ) 1-432-286-1664

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