Mum gives birth to two babies in one year as they each grew in her two separate uteruses

2 years ago

A mum gave birth to two babies in one year – as they each grew in her two different uteruses.

Caroline Wortman, 30, discovered she was nearly ten weeks pregnant with her second child, Brooks, just six months after the birth of her first daughter, one-year-old Josie.

This came after she was told that she may be infertile after being diagnosed with uterine didelphys - meaning she was born with two reproductive systems.

Caroline, from Woodstock, Georgia, said: “Having children was always something I knew I wanted, but I just tried to stay positive and not dwell too much on it.

“Infertile was the story that I told myself for ten years.”

But after seven months of trying, Caroline became pregnant with Josie and found out she was pregnant again just six months after her birth.

Her first ultrasound told her that her son was growing in the other uterus.

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