The Highest Treason Ignored by the Main Street Media. Look what they cover instead...

2 years ago

The list of what the major networks show you as "news" is almost comical if it were not so tragic and treasonous!

The greatest political treason action in the history of the United States - spying and planting fake "Russian collusion" stories against a sitting President Donald Trump - exposed and detailed by John Durham and not one second of air time by the bought and paid for MSM.

Is it any wonder Fake News is Real?

Journalism in this country is dead. Totally bereft of content. I have heard estimates that 95% of the employees of the huge conglomerate media companies are CIA employees and I would not doubt that for an instant.

If you are watching these fake news talking heads, you are lost and hearing nothing but lies. Turn off the TV, turn to the internet and look for alternative avenues of finding out what really is going on.

Telegram,, BitChute, and others if you search for them.

I would also get the heck off of Facebook - a more corrupt group of algorithms you won't find. FB is a totally concocted CIA platform - Zuckerberg never invented it - he is a Rothschild and it was given to him to exploit the people's private lives and he has done that with great success. Ditch FB and watch how liberated you will be (I got rid of it a year ago and it's amazing how much calmer my life has been).

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