Wisconsin Father Goes Off on Senate Majority Leader Who Refuses to Decertify 2020 Election

2 years ago

Wisconsin Father and Former Army Captain Goes Off on Senate Majority Leader Who Refuses to Decertify 2020 Election Despite Ample Evidence to Do So

I am as disgusted as this young man with our election system across the entire country. This arrogance from his Wisconsin state senate leader is like many others I’ve either heard from or heard about. They don’t care how you (we the people) feel about election security, integrity, the processes nor the entire system (otherwise they would fix it!!!).

Our VOTE is sacrosanct and made so by the extraordinary heroism and sacrifice of so many unnamed men and women throughout American history that fought and died for our right to live in a free country. Don’t ever give in or give up to these SOBs. VOTE them out and choose wisely those leaders we now need to continue down the path of democracy as a constitutional republic.

God Bless the United States of America 🙏🏼🇺🇸

General Michael Flynn

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