Biden Confirms AGENDA to MICROchip the MASSES

2 years ago

🔙Flashback Files: Do you remember that Biden mentioned that the Supreme Court will rule on “Microscopic tags” to be implanted in a person’s body to “track their every move”. This is the greater agenda, and he’s known it for years! The vaccine that we’re currently seeing is simply a stepping stone to the future chip that he mentions here. In fact, Rockefeller insider Aaron Russo admitted during an interview, that the end goal was for everyone to be implanted with a chip, and all your money and information to be in those chips...he died shortly after the interview.

Therefore, a new technology will soon appear on the world scene. It will be the enrolling of The RFID Microchip Tech, that will be inserted in the Body, it will use a Radio Frequency to Connect Human Beings to the System. So it will connect the Bank Accounts, The Pension System, The Medical & Healthcare System, Learning Institutions & The Education System, Military Service, The Public Transport System, etc..

We are already seeing this RFID microchip technology on passports, ATM Cards (Debit Cards, Credit Cards), Cars, Everyday Technology (Laptops, phones, smart watches, TV sets and Tablets) Medical Cards, Building Access Cards, Microchips on Accessing Computer Systems, even in animals and pets. Microchips on everything and in everywhere. Eventually it will be inserted inside Humans (The Forehead and The Hand). Under no circumstances should you receive any type of chip implant from the government.

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