Persistence Pays Off | part-1 | Africa Twin motovlog | CRF1000L | ADV Bike | Oregon

2 years ago

I had so many issues while trying to get a motovlog recorded this day...
I almost gave up for the day, but I stuck to my original plan and made it happen.
I had a great ride in the country on my Africa Twin. It is a great bike, and I'm itching to get it equipped for off-road riding.
Persistence pays off. Even when you misspell "persistance" in the video... :)
This is part-1 of 2.
2019 Honda Africa Twin CRF1000L
Shoei Neotec & HJC CL-17 helmets
AlpineStars: leather jacket, leather pants, boots, and gloves.
HotWired gloves
GoPro Fusion
GoPro Hero 6 Black
Sena 10c v.2
Rode Lav Mic
Purple Panda Lav Mic
RAM Mounts Quick-Grip XL
RAM Mounts GoPro adapter
DaVinci Resolve Studio
Insta360 Studio 2021
Blender v2.91

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