360 Wisdom Speaks Presents-Connie Ponturo

3 years ago

Conni Ponturo has been in the health and wellness world for over 21 years. Her mission is to empower people into more movement and a deeper love for their magnificent bodies. As a former dancer, her career ended with the diagnosis of osteoarthritis, and with that, all of her dreams ended.
Searching for another way to express herself she became a massage therapist and an actor, but it is her love of movement and Pilates that really shaped her career.
“Pilates spoke to my soul the way that dance did, and it still does after all these years.”
Her love of movement and her ability to see imbalances in the body makes for a perfect system to reeducate the body. Ponturo’s knowledge of myofascial release techniques that you can do at home is unparalleled. Ponturo’s wish is that her clients are aware of their amazing bodies and how to work to the best of their abilities to allow them to move, feel better, and be even more alive. She is a multi-published author, vitality expert, and speaker.
Falling into Joy -eight simple steps to allow your body to become your best friend is her first book on Amazon. Her latest book “Listen”- watch what you say your body is listening.

Contact Conni
Email cponturo@absolutepilatesupstairs.com
Website absolutelygrounded.com
Instagram @conniponturo
Facebook @ConniBrunnerPonturo
YouTube @absolutelygrounded

Welcome awakened beings from across the world, the known universe, and other realms seeking to ascend into the higher levels of consciousness!
During 360 Wisdom Speak, Nicole Borghi & Beverly Zeimet will share where conscious connection happens. Hang on tight while the Enlightened Enchantresses empowers you with good vibes, laughter, light and love. Strap on your jet pack and prepare for take-off. We’ll traverse through the realms of transformation. Enjoy the journey as you soar alongside your guardian angels and spirit guides! 360 Wisdom Speaks awakens the heart, illuminates the Soul with quantum frequency vibration, and inspires one to live life to its fullest. Feel into the passion of raw emotion and personal action. Shift! From the overwhelming feeling of not being enough, to a positively empowered being. Are you ready to be spiritually woke! A funny twist on spirituality. I offer quick life hacks. Spirituality should be easy and FUN! Infused with Light and Love.
Just try and resist the need to BINGE watch my channel. It's addicting. Just YouTube and Chill with a BFF. Enjoy the videos as you awaken your soul.

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