Revealing Ukraine (Русскоязычная версия)

2 years ago

Revealing Ukraine is the sequel to the Oliver Stone documentary Ukraine of Fire. It further investigates the ongoing Ukrainian crisis, and the truth behind the scenes about what's really been going on there over the past 20 years leading up to this current conflict. It also analyzes the smouldering inter-ethnic conflicts and geopolitical designs being drawn up by Globalist billionaires like George Soros and the Rothschild banking cartel's private army, NATO.
Russian President Vladimir Putin says he believes Russians and Ukrainians constitute one nation and that the countries should find a way to integrate. After all, Ukraine is the Motherland of Russia, and was only wrestled away from Russia by the Nazis during World War II. Unfortunately, Nazism has persisted there ever since.
It is obvious that, over the past few decades, the U.S. State Department, NATO, the CIA, and George Soros is determined to bring Ukraine into the New World Order fold, and these parties are willing to risk a Nuclear War in order to surround Russia, and bring it under the control of the thirteen [Khazarian] central banking families who already control the rest of the world.
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