2 years ago

In this segment I review an ABC News article attempting to use circumstance to accuse the GOP of actively implementing strategies to hinder the black vote. The article does not provide any supporting data and actually implies that the sins of 1965 are carrying over into the community of Selma today. According to this ABC News journalist the black community is so weak, so emotionally fragile, so laking in resolve, that over 60 years after the fact, they are still suffering the slings and arrows of the past in spite of having the same advantages as any other red blooded American today. ABC News doesn't seem to think very highly of black Americans, but I suppose that can be said about the Left in general. This out of touch activism posing as journalism has the temerity to offer two other contributing factors for poor voter turnout in these communities seemingly devoid of the reality that these additional causes do not support a white supremacist infection of a system designed to keep black people down, but instead places the blame at the feet of the black citizens this article claims are the victims. I've reviewed many of these articles over the last 20 months and the formula is clear: hyperbolic title - check, blame ideological and/or political enemies for whatever problem is presented - check, position your ideology and/or political affiliation as the savior - check, assert a bigotry of low expectation wrapped in humanitarianism - check, use anecdotal stories and past historical occurrences to support an obviously delusional argument - check, and finally, imply that anyone who disagrees with your declarations does so because they are, in your reality, inherently evil when in actual reality it is you who are the monster in your own story.


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