Men have Challenges & Struggles.

3 years ago

Wanted to share with you something I wrote while journaling this morning.As men we have, 
We need a place to sort them out. 
But, we weren't taught how to ask for help. 
They didn't teach. us how to get support for the trials we face. 
Because of this, 
We bottle up our wants, needs, dreams, and hope. 
We keep them inside. 
When we ask for help. 
 Our partners,sometimes get triggered. 
They get scared. 
And their reactions 
Cause us to go back to our caves. 
Hide our pain. 
Mask it with a smile. 
Or other things! 
Such as Alcohol, Drugs, and Sex...We Need a Solution. One that works for everybody. With, No one excluded.Apply Curiosity… 
Applying Curiosity is not about being precise. It’s about opening the conversation with someone. Applying curiosity through the structure of Feelings and Needs is how we found the solution that works… For Everyone.Please download my Feelings Chart on The Curiosity Theory Resources Page Men's Breakthrough ChallengeSaturday, January 8th, 2022

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