None Stayed To Fight...Ukrainian Army Abandoned Whole Military Base!

2 years ago

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MOSCOW, March 5. /TASS/. Russian troops seized control of a Ukrainian military base near Kherson, the Russian Défense Ministry told reporters.

"Russian servicemen took control of a Ukrainian armed forces’ military base near the village of Radensk in the Kherson Region," the ministry said. "The Ukrainian military left their positions in a hurry, leaving the base with equipment, weapons and ammunition."

The Défense Ministry released footage of the base. The trophies found at the base include Ukrainian T-64 and T-80 tanks, armored personnel carriers, infantry fighting vehicles, Ural vehicles, an ammunition depot, including mines, anti-tank missiles, mortar and tank shells.

According to the ministry, more than 4,500 thousand tons of ammunition, rocket shells for multiple launch rocket systems, as well as mortar ammunition and high-explosive fragmentation shells were also found.

The ministry said the base was probably used for training by marines, sappers, signalmen, tankers and artillerymen. "About 4,000 fighters could have been accommodated at the base," it said. "At the moment, Russian sappers continue to inspect the territory to eliminate the danger of mines."

Following an examination, the equipment and weapons will be sent to a special base for storage, the ministry said.

Our first incredible giveaway shows you how to create a steady food supply, even when space is limited. This is especially helpful in urban areas, like the suburbs, or city..➨➨ ➨ ➨

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