Rationalizing away our recovery Just for Today N A 03-06

2 years ago

Just For Today
Daily Meditations for Recovering Addicts
March 6
Rationalizing away our recovery
"As a result of the Twelve Steps, I'm not able to hold on to old ways of deceiving
Basic Text, p. 176
We all rationalize. Sometimes we know we are rationalizing, admit we are
rationalizing, yet continue to behave according to our rationalizations! Recovery can
become very painful when we decide that, for one reason or another, the simple
principles of the program don't apply to us.
With the help of our sponsor and others in NA, we can begin to look at the excuses
we use for our behavior. Do we find that some principles just don't apply to us? Do
we believe that we know more than everyone else in Narcotics Anonymous, even
those who have been clean for many years? What makes us think that we're so
There is no doubt, we can successfully rationalize our way through part of our
recovery. But, eventually, we must squarely face the truth and start acting
accordingly. The principles in the Twelve Steps guide us to a new life in recovery.
There is little room for rationalization there.
Just for today: I cannot work the steps and also continue deceiving myself. I will
examine my thinking for rationalizations, reveal them to my sponsor, and be rid of
pg. 67

*****JFT Guy is looking for others to share on a daily reading************
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