#Fi_Nx (INFP ≊ SOCIONICS E.I.I.) SHADOW Functions Whiteboard #ModelVaserlan #JungianSubfunctions

3 years ago

Socionics EII (Fi Nx). Model Vaserlan is an 8 cognitive process (Jungian Cognitive Function) model of the human mind that is mostly consistent with Dario Nardi's Cognitive Processes Assessment. Includes subfunctions.

INFP Model Vaserlan dimensions explained fully here with female INFP resembler Rew: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b628-8Y7LMo&list=PLLNMY-wBpaHavaWUF6meC6quwM-Ghyzen&index=0s

#After_socionics #ModelVaserlan #FiNxINFP

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