Ignorance is forgivable, Willful Ignorance will end us

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2 years ago

You’re a conspiracy theorist
Conspiracy theorist!! I often wonder if the people who throw that particular slug at us critical thinkers know how stupid they sound. I don’t use that word lightly when it comes to my fellow humans either: stupid. I think it’s usually unwarranted and almost always damaging to the process of creating an open dialogue. But there comes a point for some when it must be said. What was interesting at first was the discovery that it is almost always the most intelligent individuals who qualify to be designated as Stupid.

Most people are ignorant only due to a lack of information. Sure, they may get defensive and nasty but they’re protecting themselves and with respect, patience, and the proper approach they’re reachable. These people are not the problem, they’re victims like the rest of us.

Then there are the people who are willfully ignorant. These are the worst type of people and they’re arguably the most dangerous. They know the evidence is abundant. They know the counter-narrative is true and they know beyond any doubt that most of us seek the truth and when we speak up, we have the evidence to support our perspective. They know all of this and yet they utterly refuse to even acknowledge the possibility we could be correct about things like The Great Reset, the pandemic, the lies mainstream media tells, and so forth.

As I said earlier, at first, I found it interesting that these willfully ignorant people were so intelligent, so capable of critical thinking. Then I realized it was not interesting at all. In fact, it’s not even surprising.

It’s the elitist version of self-preservation (which is purely pitiful because it indicates how inept they are at understanding the physical world, IQ be damned). They’re smart enough to know the stakes and they’re shrewd enough to understand that once they look at the evidence, once they really examine it, there would be no going back. Beyond that, they would be forced to face reality which would be scary, no doubt, but even worse would be the catch-22 they would be in. If they read the evidence and engage in rational discussion about an alternative perspective, also known as the Truth, they would be faced with tough choices: embrace exploration and be excommunicated from their cohorts OR turn away which by default might give us the impression that they’re not nearly as intelligent as advertised and they certainly couldn’t ever utter the words, “I follow the science,” again. Add to that the likelihood that they might one day soon be exposed as being pseudo-intellectuals and then it becomes clear, the tight space they’re in and I for one almost feel empathy for them. Then I snap out of it and relegate them to Stupidom.

Stupidom is a Kingdom for smart people who ignore their intellect to preserve their oversized egos and its population was growing at a frightening rate until recently. It appears their numbers are shrinking and while my evidence is strictly anecdotal-meaning I have none-let’s hope I am correct because if this isn’t the case our fate is sealed. Case closed.

Ditch peer pressure, you’re an adult for shit’s sake
Peer pressure is real and the pressure from the masses is tough to withstand. You don’t have to tell me; I suffer through it daily along with millions of others. I do not speak from a place of ignorance. I am by no means perfect. I am by no means different than the average person. My aim isn’t to chide people who are frightened to step out of the shadows and face the beast and in doing so risk losing everything. I am not alone when I say we want those people, and we were all in that position at one time. The more people that take that first step, the safer we as a collective become from the predations of the beast and its proxies.

Having said that it would behoove us to keep in mind that being an adult and being a grownup is not the same thing. It’s a misconception that is easy to adopt and just as easy to dispel. An adult is just a human that is of a certain age/has attained the proper developmental milestones. A grownup is also an adult. But the grownup adult reaps the benefit of the prolonged developmental journey of a human. A grownup understands the physical world, boundaries, human nature, and acts on instinct coupled with the information they’ve synthesized through the process of critical thinking and analysis.

An adult grownup does not enjoy being made fun of in the workplace, in the grocery store, in their neighborhood, at their PTA meetings, or in their family circles yet they recognize prudence dictates they push through the madness of the masses and work to make genuinely informed decisions. A grownup adult doesn’t put on a mask because they’re told. A grownup adult doesn’t listen to a man standing at a podium and extols his words as gospel just because he’s wearing a nice suit and has MD after his name.

Just because you’re an adult does not mean you’re a grownup. And just because you’re smart, doesn’t mean you’re wise.

Ditch the need for approval and use your head. We’re not sounding the alarm because it’s fun. None of us who actually read, and research love the fact that as it turns out the entire construct, we believed in is a lie. It sucks. DEAL WITH IT.

Deal with that shit on your own time and stop embarrassing yourself by parroting phrases and slogans and narratives from your masters. It used to be infuriating but now, even though it still presents a danger to us surviving this, you willfully ignorant people are just pitiful. I feel embarrassed FOR you, which is an ugly feeling. History will not look kindly on you so I would cut the bullshit, pull your head out from inside your asshole (it’ll hurt I know but quick like a Band-Aid!), and plant your feet in the land of objective reality instead of continuing to join the human trash on The View or Morning Joe while they make fun of us directly and YOU on the side. Believe me, when those cameras go off it’s you ridiculous cheerleaders and clapping seals that they really hate, not people like me.

Remember, ignorance is forgivable, but willful Ignorance could end us. All of us.

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