8. Arneb (Eight of Swords) INTERFERENCE

2 years ago

8 of Swords: INTERFERENCE (May 21 to May 30)
Astrology Sign: GEMINI (1rst Decan) Degree 0 - 9
Ruler of Card: JUPITER
Constellation LEPUS (The Rabbit)
LEPUS = LEP () US ()
Chosen Star: Arneb (Means: The Hare)
ARNEB = AR () NEB ()
Anatomy: GEMINI rules the ARMS, the LUNGS and SHOULDERS
GEMINI = GEM (Crystal) IN (Inside) I (Eye) / The Crystal Eye (The Third Eye)

Positive Attributes: reedom, release, taking control, survivor, facing fears, empowered, surrender.

Negative Attributes: trapped, restricted, victimised, paralysed, helpless, powerless, imprisonment.

Lord of Interference, is the card that comes up to indicate deliberate or accidental interference with the natural flow of energy. This may come from inside ourselves, or from an outer (and possibly malicious) source. It often signals problems with endurance, inability to make decisions, lack of concentration on important details, and overall disturbance.

At best, the 8 of Swords will indicate a period where nothing goes quite the way you want it to. At worst it will indicate an obstructive and difficult period where serious damage can be done to our material environment, our emotional balance and our overall sense of well-being.

The general meaning in the Eight of Swords is that of a feeling of being trapped and victimized. You may feel powerless because, in your mind, you feel that changing the situation might be beyond you. This feeling of helplessness that you have, the feeling that you have no agency in your life, has played a major role in making your situation worse.

In certain decks, the Eight of Swords is a woman who is tied up and blindfolded. There are eight swords placed strategically around her in a way that restricts her movement as though she is in some kind of trap or jail. However, it seems as though whoever built the trap was a little lazy or hasty, leaving some open space where she could escape. But because of the blindfold preventing the woman from seeing, she has no way of finding her way out of this trap. The barren land around her might signify a lack of creativity of some sort, while the grey sky in the background can signify despair, since there she feels that there is no hope of her breaking free from the kind of situation that she is bound to. If only she could take the blindfold off, she would see that she could simply just walk out of this situation.

The Tarot Experience is a Project linking Organic and Electronic Music with the Tarot Cards Energies. Iv'e created Image Videos to play along with my Music to connect dots within the wonderful World of Astro-Theology and Syncretism "The Holy Sciences". I have created the full Tarot Deck, 78 Videos/Songs, to help connect dots from the Stars to your Body to the way certain energies may manifests.

The first four albums each contains 14 Songs "1 song per Card for it's respective Suit". This project has four albums:

Ace of Cups: Emotional Body: Water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces)
Ace of Swords: Mental Body: Air (Gemini, Libra, Aquarius)
Ace of Disks: Physical Body: Earth (Taurus, Virgo, Capricorn)
Ace of Wands: Spiritual Body: Fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius)

Ace of Swords is more of a Trance Electro House Trip-Hop Techno.
Ace of Cups is an Electro-Guitar "No Distortion" type of Groove.
Ace of Disks is an Electro-Lounge
Ace of Wands is what I call Techno-Rock where I have some Rock Distortion intertwined with Electronic music.

I also have 2 Albums that consists of the Trump Cards (Major Arcana)
Trumps (Vol. I):
0 The Fool (Air)
1 The Magus (Mercury)
2 The High Priestess (Moon)
3 The Empress (Venus)
4 The Emperor (Aries)
5 The Hierophant (Taurus)
6 The Lovers (Gemini)
7 The Chariot (Cancer)
8 Strength (Leo)
9 The Hermit (Virgo)
10 Wheel of Fortune (Jupiter)

Trumps (Vol. II)
11 Justice (Libra)
12 The Hanged Man (Water)
13 Death (Scorpio)
14 Art / Temperance (Sagittarius)
15 The Devil (Capricorn)
16 The Tower (Mars)
17 The Star (Aquarius)
18 The Moon (Moon)
19 The Sun (Sun)
20 Aeon (Fire / Spirit)
21 The Universe (Saturn to Earth)

Let these albums guide you into an out of this world experience and check out The Tarot Experience. May be reached at thetarotexperience2020@gmail.com or at paragon.musik.production@gmail.com

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