3 years ago


ENLiGHTENMENT is to observe REALiTY with conscious awareness.

To observe REALiTY with conscious awareness, “I” must first understand what “i” am observing with awareness.

There are two levels of REALiTY.

• Two. Objective REALiTY. This relates to constructs and concepts. (“Facts” exist at this level.)

• One. Subjective REALiTY. This relates to perception and interpretation. (“Opinions” exist at this level.)

• NOTHiNG. CONSCiOUSNESS. This relates to a consistent and persistent state of BEiNG. (“Truth” exists at this level.)

Note: Objective REALiTY is only ever experienced subjectively.

To observe REALiTY with conscious awareness, “I” must first understand what “i” is.

There is no “i” in SELF.

• There are three levels of the SELF, or EGOIC MIND.

- Three. ALTER EGO. This is the “I” presented to “OTHER”. (It is subconscious. It is the large “YOU”. This is THE DELUSIONAL SELF.)

- Two. EGO. This is the “I” that believes “OTHER”. (It is subconscious. It is the small “you”. This is THE IMAGINARY SELF.)

- One. PERSONALITY. This is the “I” that experiences “OTHER”. (It is awareness. It is the large “I”. This is THE EMERGENT SELF.)

• NOTHiNG. CONSCiOUSNESS. This is the “i” that observes. (It is conscious. It is the small “i”. This is THE iNNATE SELF.)

Note: The concept of time and the construct of space are only ever experienced consciously “now” and “here”.


#consciousness #enlightenment #reality #awareness #self #mind #ego

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