Jay's Analysis: The Truth About Ukraine

3 years ago

Supporting a criminal war against Russia, which is now being orchestrated and promoted by NATO, the CIA, the IMF, the World Economic Forum, the same group of despots who brought you this COVID-19 PSYOP doesn't make you a patriot. It makes you a useful idiot of the same unelected globalists and banking cartels who are currently driving humanity into the waiting arms of their New World Order. You know--the same demons who brought you unconstitutional lock-downs, face masks, forced injections with deadly genetic mutagens, as well as the destruction of your Liberties.
So, before you get on the war wagon with the Biden regime, and start pinning Ukrainian flags to your lapel, you really ought to take a few minutes to look at the facts that are being hidden from you by America's greatest enemy, the mainstream propaganda media, which has lied to us over and over again in order to drive our country into unconstitutional wars.

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